Experience has shown us that for change in Africa to be long-term it needs to be owned by the local people.
— Crista Cullen MBE

What we do

African wildlife and communities


Human-wildlife co-existence

Africa is a place of constant battles. As the human population grows at pace, their demand for land is constantly increasing – land for dwellings, subsistence farming and livestock grazing.

This means the wild animals who have roamed the land for generations are being forced to compete for spaces they are used to calling their own. Crops are raided. Livelihoods are destroyed. People are hurt. And animals are killed in retaliation.

At Tofauti we believe working with the local people is the only way to help humans and animals find ways to co-exist and thrive together.

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Environmental Awareness

Africa’s natural habitats, animal species and tribal cultures are rich, breath-taking and unlike anywhere else in the world. Yet this richness and diversity is not without challenges.

We believe that African people need nature to thrive – whether farming effectively and considerately, or enabling economy-boosting responsible tourism.

At Tofauti we work with the local people to help them sustain a way of life that leverages, rather than compromises their relationship with the natural world they live in.


Wildlife protection

At the heart of Tofauti’s DNA is the protection of wildlife. We appreciate that every area faces its own challenges – from bush meat trade to deforestation, disease from domestic animal interaction to drought, and in the worst cases, illegal poaching.

At Tofauti we don’t believe in one-size-fits-all fixes. Instead we go deep into each situation – building the understanding and the alliances to create bespoke, long-term solutions. And we ensure local people are engaged and involved in sustaining them.

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Infrastructure and habitat

Protecting Africa’s wildlife is hugely reliant on having the structures and provisions to enable industry in the most remote locations.

The need for scout accommodation, road maintenance, water holding areas, electric fencing and crucial wildlife corridors is vast.

Tofauti works with trusted partners on the ground to ensure that these crucial underpinnings can continue to be put in place, and that they are planned, managed and measured to the highest standards.


We go further together

We think the challenges facing African wildlife and communities can only be tackled through an approach that unites. So core to everything we do is our focus on building teams to create and sustain solutions.

We equip and empower

Experience has shown us that for change in Africa to be long-term it needs to be owned by the local people. So every Tofauti project is designed to bring local stakeholders along with us.

We connect the dots

We understand that everything is connected. So we are unwavering in applying both depth of knowledge and breadth of perspective to all that we do for African wildlife and communities.


We equip and empower

Experience has shown us that for change in Africa to be long-term it needs to be owned by the local people. So every Tofauti project is designed to bring local stakeholders on a journey with us.


Change through knowledge

Through a knowledge-sharing culture, we are able to shift embedded attitudes that are barriers to change, helping local people appreciate their local habitat, their local wildlife and the importance of their relationship to each other.

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Local commitment

Every Tofauti project is built on side-by-side commitment. We expect locals to work just as hard as we do – sharing in the tough bits and taking pride in the results of our combined efforts.


Long-term ownership

We give locals the tools and training that enable them to not just make change happen, but to sustain it themselves for generations to come.


We connect the dots

We understand that everything is connected.
So we are unwavering in applying both depth of knowledge and breadth of perspective to all that we do.

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No issue in isolation

We conduct deep project assessment that looks into the issues surrounding the issue we’re addressing. We identify the macro and micro economic, cultural and environmental factors that will need to be taken into consideration in any potential intervention.

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Future scenario planning

As well as gaining a deep understanding of today’s situation, we ensure we also appreciate the events that have led to it. And we work through the potential unintended impacts of any action by our team.

Long-term measurement

All partnerships are based on a commitment to long-term project monitoring and evaluation. We believe in sustained, deep- rooted change, not short-lived red ribbon moments.