Tofauti Tractor

Infrastructure and habitat


The challenges of running and maintaining a 65,000 acre conservancy are vast. Constant development and upkeep of key infrastructures are vital to keep the conservancy’s animal and human populations thriving. And efforts are constantly at the mercy of the changeable African weather – such as the 2018 flood that saw dams burst, roads, vehicles and buildings destroyed in the Galana Conservancy.

Following our 2018 Conservation Ball Tractor Pledge, we were able to provide a tractor to help the Galana Conservancy make crucial repairs, onward infrastructural developments and enable scouts to better patrol the area.

The 2018 flood didn’t just damage the landscape – it wiped out Galana’s only tractor. The provision of a new tractor has enabled dams to be re-dug, roads to be rebuilt and the conservancy team to get back on track. The tractor is being put to use in building over 85km of roads to demarcate the conservancy’s Northern and Eastern boundary – creating clarity for local people and enabling them to better co-exist alongside their neighbouring wildlife.